I have enjoyed taking photographs since I was ten years old when I was given a camera by my uncle Billy. I live near a river so as a kid I took photographs of ships going past the house and took the camera on a school trip. (I found the shots from 1975 the other day). My father took loads of photographs from the 1940s to the 70s, he has a great collection now of archive shots. I’ve taken over, I suppose. Couln’t live without it now…

My Style.
I completed a few photography courses, some with 5 distinctions and have a degree in Media. I studied the work of Don McCullen and Leni Riefenstahl, Capa, Bill Brandt, Lee Millar, Larry Burrows ,Gordon Anthony. However my greatest influence style wise has to be the old photographers of Hollywood in the 1940s and 50s like George Hurrell and Clarence Sinclair Bull. Always nice to capture the style or pay homage to the old shots of Marlene Detrich or Greta Garbo. I was in a camera club 30 years ago where one tries all themes. Landscape, still life, Portrait, sport, etc. After trying them all, I have narrowed down my favourite themes to Musicians, Nudes and Travel. Hope you will enjoy the journey here. Thank you.
If I went to a deserted island I would make sure to bring my book “How to make a boat out of sand”. It might be nice. Of course I do live on an island. We even have islands inside our island.